There was an email I received today asking if anyone knew of anyone who can sew some table runners. I don't know of anyone who sews, but perhaps, I could try?. What a great reason to start... to fulfill a need. Plus, it shouldn't be that hard, right? Just a rectangle piece formed by straight lines. And why not, especially since it would be part of a good cause.
The table runners would be put over three Young and Married Cafe tables on our Friday night sessions. The three tables would be to designate and honor the military wives whose brave men fight for our freedom and currently serving overseas.
But before I reply back to volunteer myself, I thought I'd give it a try first so as to not make a fool of myself later on. I dug in my fabric box and looked for the guinea fabric - a fabric I would probably never use or wear ever - and got to work. I worked with a scrap fabric, a dull pair of scissors, some pins, and the Brother machine. Below is a pic of my 20 minute creation:

How it was done:
2 pieces of fabric 12" x 30", scissors, pins
Place the fabric together with wrong sides facing out
Insert pins through the fabric 6-8" apart. This would help keep the fabric pieces aligned and together while feeding through the machine.
Sew three sides keeping about 1/2" from the edge of the fabric. . When you arrive at the corners, stop with the needle inside the fabric, lift the sewing foot, turn the fabric, put the presser foot back down and sew straight. Repeat until three sides are sewn together.
Turn the whole thing inside out. Follow by an iron press to help ensure that this table runner lay flat and crisp on a table. Lastly, take the last opened edge and sew it closed after folding the fraying edges inside. And tadah....... a table runner! Now go make one!
The table runners would be put over three Young and Married Cafe tables on our Friday night sessions. The three tables would be to designate and honor the military wives whose brave men fight for our freedom and currently serving overseas.
But before I reply back to volunteer myself, I thought I'd give it a try first so as to not make a fool of myself later on. I dug in my fabric box and looked for the guinea fabric - a fabric I would probably never use or wear ever - and got to work. I worked with a scrap fabric, a dull pair of scissors, some pins, and the Brother machine. Below is a pic of my 20 minute creation:
How it was done:
2 pieces of fabric 12" x 30", scissors, pins
Place the fabric together with wrong sides facing out
Insert pins through the fabric 6-8" apart. This would help keep the fabric pieces aligned and together while feeding through the machine.
Sew three sides keeping about 1/2" from the edge of the fabric. . When you arrive at the corners, stop with the needle inside the fabric, lift the sewing foot, turn the fabric, put the presser foot back down and sew straight. Repeat until three sides are sewn together.
Turn the whole thing inside out. Follow by an iron press to help ensure that this table runner lay flat and crisp on a table. Lastly, take the last opened edge and sew it closed after folding the fraying edges inside. And tadah....... a table runner! Now go make one!